The popularity of lanterns has been growing by leaps and bounds over the last few years. They are an instant centerpiece and easy focal point. I found one earlier this year at Home Goods, so I thought I'd show you how you can dress up a simple lantern and add some personality, especially for fall and the coming season.
Fall leaves
assorted fall trimmings
Wire cutters
glue pan or gun
I love my wooden one but, but I've seen them in all kinds of finishes and colors. Don't have a lantern? Try this on the side of a decorative birdcage, or even a birdhouse. By the way, this is on a lazy makes arrangements easy to work on and spin around, this is not required. Unless you design for a living, then I recommend it. :)
I used burlap ribbon (I used something other than plaid!), but you can use any type that you have. I tied a bow, and using the wire, tied (wired) it on the top of the lantern.
This is the side view. I start with the bow first, because everything will be based around it. Also, I wanted this removable and the wire allows easy on and off.
Next, fall folliage acts as a base too, use the wire from the bow to wire on the leaves. On this particular lantern, there is a lot of space around the bow to add things.
Start filling in around the ribbon with berries and small leaves and grasses. Don't forget to fill in around the back too, you don't want it to be lop-sided and only pretty from the front.
Add in the pinecones and continue filling in
Once you feel like you've added just the right amount, add some candles. I have real ones in here, but I want to start using the flameless kind. The heat might loosen up all the work I just did!
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